Top 28 Valuable Ways To Boost Your Business Credibility

Most first time entrepreneurs make a huge mistake by concentrating all their efforts on driving visitors to their website, but fail to prove their business credibility. Think about your own online experience and what you look for in a business whose services/products you wish to order.

Unfortunately many people are still afraid to shop on the internet because they’ve heard horror stories from their friends and colleagues who have lost money in various online scams. And we know how fast news of bad service travels!

In order to convert visitors into paying customers, you need to prove your credibility… you need to show your potential customers that you are trustworthy, reliable and that you will deliver what you promise.

These are some of the EXTREMELY important issues your website needs to cover:

1. Professional Design

One of the best ways to prove your business credibility is with a professional website.

Ensure your website is clean, easy to read and navigate. You need to make sure your visitors can find what they are looking for. Most websites either display their navigation bar on the left or at the top. And since most people are used to this type of navigation, it’s best to stick with it. It also helps to include your navigation bar at the bottom of each page to save your visitors from having to scroll back to the top.

Stay away from:

– Flash intros, revolving globes, bevelled line separators, animated mail boxes
– Loads of pop up or pop under boxes
– Autoplay music. Allow your customer to play music only if they choose.
– Hit counters of the free variety, which say “you are 27th visitor”
– Date and time stamps, unless your website is updated daily or weekly
– Busy backgrounds

2. Testimonials

Include testimonials from your current customers to show your potential clients that you are trustworthy, reliable and that you offer great service and/or products. Make sure the testimonials are real and if possible provide contact details of the person who supplied you with the testimonial.

If you don’t have any right now, get them! Simply email your customers and ask for their feedback on your business and service. Most happy customers will gladly provide this. If you are starting out and don’t have any customers yet, volunteer your services or give away some of your products. Then ask your customers to provide you with feedback – if you’ve done a good job or your product is useful, they will be more than happy to do so.

3. Before & After Shots

If appropriate, show your customers problem pictures and beside them show the picture of resolution, with an explanation of your service/product’s benefits.

4. Photo Gallery / Portfolio

Even if you do not wish to sell your products on-line, you may wish to showcase your goods or services in a special photo gallery. They say “pictures speak a thousand words” and on your website it is particularly important. Some examples of photo galleries & portfolios include:

– photographers – photos they have taken,
– marriage celebrants – ceremonies they’ve performed,
– entertainers – photos from their performances,
– dress designers – garments they’ve designed
web designers – websites they’ve created
– cake decorators – special cakes they’ve made and decorate

and the list goes on.

5. Money Back Guarantee

The longer the guarantee, the more effective it will be. It could be 30 days, 60 days, 1 year or lifetime. Remember you are trying to take the risk out of doing business with you.

6. Privacy Policy

Privacy continues to be a major issue for customers shopping online. Concerns about how their information is going to be used is a major barrier when making a sale. Internet shopping experience is built on trust and privacy is the number one ingredient in trust. So let your customers know you will not sell or rent their details to third parties.

7. Contact Details

Place contact details in as many places as possible. Make it easy for your customers to contact you.

Create a special “Contact Us” page, include your details in “About Us” page and also at the bottom of each page. Information to include: business name, physical address, mailing address, virtual business address, telephone, fax, email, emergency number, website address.

If you are a start up and trying to come up with a memorable business name, you may find a business name generator helpful.

8. Trade Association Memberships

If you belong to trade associations or professional business organizations, societies or clubs, ensure you include all the details so that potential clients can verify your reputation, which will help with your business credibility.

9. Resources/Articles

You can easily source free information on the internet. This will ensure that customers will keep coming back to your website, even if it is just to get information. The more they visit, the more you will stick in their mind as an expert and the next time they are ready to order your products/services, you will be their first choice.

10. Provide fresh content

Content is still the king. You should include as much information as possible about all your products and services, such as brands, pricing (even if you can’t be specific with your prices, you should at least provide ranges – eg. carpet cleaning $55 – $66 per room), shipping costs, etc. Ensure your content gets updated regularly and that all your information is truthful. Don’t exaggerate your products’ benefits and features – your customers will quickly see through any dishonest claims.

11. Media

Include any information, photos of your products, staff etc that have appeared in the media – print, TV, radio or internet. If you have written articles that have been published, ensure you also include them.

12. Product Reviews

If your products have been positively reviewed on other websites, ensure you place a link to them. What someone else says about your product carries far more weight than what you say.

13. Return/Refund Policy

To make your customers feel more comfortable when making a transaction at your website, you should provide then with your return/refund policy. Ensure it is easy to understand and spelt out step by step. Let them know what the order process involves and how they can be refunded if problems arise.

14. About Us Info

This is a very important page as it tells your customer about who you are and why they should buy your products, services and/or trust your organization. It can also feature your business hours (if you have a bricks and mortar store) or when they can speak to a real person. Many companies also include their mission or purpose on this page, details of their staff (photos, biographies, qualifications), recently completed projects. Other information to include: ACN or ABN, logo, directions to your store/office.

15. Security Information

If you sell products online or allow people to pay you via your website, ensure you include your website security details, such as the encryption that is used when they enter confidential information into your forms or shopping cart. Spell it out in simple terms to ensure your customers understand it.

16. Awards

Ensure you include details of any awards that you or your business have won.

17. Spell Check

Spell Check your website to make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. Check that all links are working and graphics display correctly. If your website has a lot of mistakes, people will wonder about the quality of your products and services

18. Be Active in your Community

This can be your local community or on-line community. You can sponsor events, teach classes or simply post useful information on message boards and in newsgroups. Remember, if you lack credibility, customers will not buy from you, so it is extremely important that you do all you can to show them that you are trustworthy. Put yourself in their shoes and try to think like them – what obstacles might there be in their mind which prevent them ordering from you?

19. Share Your Numbers

Have you sold a thousand copies of a book? Has your online course (free or paid) assisted hundreds of individuals?  Have your products/services helped hundreds/thousands/millions of customers?  Share your numbers.

20. Client Logos

Display client logos on your website.  This is especially powerful if your clients are well known brands.

21. Social Media

Be consistent with your posts on your blog and on social media.   This sends a clear message about who you are and what you stand for.  If you have limited time it is better to post regularly on one social network rather than a little bit and occasionally on many networks.

22. Offer Quality Products and Exceptional Service

This one is a no brainer, but the ultimate way to build credibility over time is to offer quality products and back them up with exceptional customer service.  If people are posting reviews of your products / services, make sure you thank them and address any concerns they voice in the reviews.

23. Credibility by Association

If you are a small business and not in a position to employ full time industry leaders, you can appoint highly regarded individuals in advisory positions.

24. Third Party Certifications

You’ve spent time learning your skills.  Now get certified to be recognised for the work you’ve done. Third-party certification means that an independent organization has reviewed a product/service/skillset and has independently determined that the final product complies with specific standards for safety, quality or performance.

25. Celebrity / Influencer Endorsement

Has your brand been mentioned by a celebrity, influencer, sports personality or a person of high credibility?  Make sure you add it on your website and share it on social media.  Where possible include the original post / comment.  You can do this simply by taking a screenshot on your phone or computer.

26. Speaker Profile

Have you ever been invited to speak at a networking event or conference or done a Ted or TedX talk?  Include as many details and photos / videos of your speech or presentation.  If you have run webinars or online events, make sure you include those details as well.

27. Charity Work

If you have worked or supported a charity – be sure the details are included on your About page.  Charity work is a great credibility booster.

There are many ways to boost your business credibility.  Make sure you include as many details on your website, as it will help with visitor conversions.

28. Case Studies

Incorporating case studies into your website is crucial because it demonstrates that your business knows its stuff and can deliver results. These stories showcase how you’ve helped others overcome challenges or achieve their goals, essentially highlighting success stories. When potential customers see that others have had a positive experience with your product or service, it builds trust and makes them more likely to choose your business. Case studies provide concrete evidence that your business is reliable and skilled, making your website more convincing for people checking it out.


by Ivana Katz
Websites 4 Small Business –

Ivana Katz

Website strategy session